Thursday, September 3, 2009

Anchorage Museum has Opened

For the sake of archiving, I figured I should acknowledge the fact that construction on the new museum expansion has finally come to a conclusion, and the new wing is now open to the public. The obligatory ribbon cutting ceremony, the gathering of public officials, and a fresh new exhibition were all on hand for opening day. The museum, particularly the exterior, is gorgeous, especially when driving east down 6th Avenue, with its transparent facade and unique shape giving it the appearance that it's constantly in motion as you pass by it. Inside, the museum's new wing includes beefed-up security systems and modern air-temperature systems, which besides allowing Anchorage to catch up to other museums, also allows it to carry more high-profile exhibitions. I think it's later this year (or maybe next) that works from Andy Warhol will be on display, while before that, there will be a showcase of Star Wars studio props (I think I'll kindly pass on that one). It was the Anchorage Press that reminded me that I should post about the museum, as they have recently reported on the birch trees now being planted in the yet-to-be finished park in front of the building. In addition, sidewalks have been widened dramatically, and a stoplight intersection has been added nearby where cars previously had gone up to 40 mph without needing to stop until four blocks south. Word is the bus stop that sits in front of the future park will also get a major upgrade. Meanwhile, on the other side of the museum, a curious-looking windowless cube has been built (it's actually been there for almost a year now), which will house a planetarium. It's far from looking as cool as Midtown Manhattan's Hayden Planetarium, but meh, whatever. One last tidbit: the museum has apparently gone through a name change, as brochures and other marketing material along with the front exterior have it written as, "Anchorage Museum" rather than the Anchorage Museum of History and Art. I approve. Here's a link to another blog from someone who took plenty of interior shots along with his own reviews on the new wing.